Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lazy Saturday

Today started like any other day. Barrett woke up at 4:30 needing to poop, then he did, and was awake for an hour and a half. We went back to sleep at 6, and then woke up again when he noticed the sun was up. He and Daddy went in the living room so I could sleep a few more hours which was glorious. He's been unusually sleepy today. Taking a 2 hour nap with Daddy and then eating and going back to sleep. I hope this doesn't mean there is something wrong with him. I guess we just have to keep an eye on things and call the doctor with anything strange.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Counting down the days til vacation

We are going on a real vacation in 2 weeks. I can't wait. The lake is going to be perfect, and hopefully the weather will cooperate. We are going to introduce Barrett to the water, and maybe if we're lucky he'll like it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More vaccinations

Today Barrett had his second round of shots: Pc and Hib. As of right now, he is doing remarkably well considering. he's still a little more cranky and needy than normal, but I don't mind giving out more hugs and kisses. I guess we're lucky. Some kids scream and cry for hours after getting shots. Little man just cries during the shot and for a few seconds after. We came home and took a nice long nap together so he was happy when he woke up.

The most amazing thing is happening with Barrett. He's turning into a child and not just a newborn baby. He looks different, acts different, is different. His personality is developing, and he is a lot more fun to be around. He doesn't just sit around and stare at things. He is really studying everything around him trying to figure out how to get it into his mouth. I can't believe how much he's changed in just a few weeks. Everyday is something new. Everyday for him is a new adventure. I am so blessed to be able to bear witness to his wonder and exploration. And hopefully one day he will be able to express his appreciation for the days and nights his parents spent up and down with him.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial weekend vacation

Every once in a while, we are fortunate enough to get out of town for a few days and not have to worry about anything we left behind in San Marcos. Memorial Day weekend was just one of those occasions. We went up to Ft. Worth to spend the weekend with my husband's family and just hang out. Barrett got to play with his cousin, Kaleb, and the rest of the family got to play with Barrett. The weekend would have been perfect if the Rangers could have just managed to beat the Yankees in yesterday's game. Oh well. Can't win them all.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Simple pleasures

Sometimes the most enjoyable things in life are the things we take for granted. I realized last night after watching an old episode of Sex and the City that things in my life have changed so much in the past decade. When I was in college there were days I would drive for hours without having a destination in mind. I would spend hours in coffeehouses and bars and flirt with strangers.

Now that I'm married and have a new son, I couldn't imagine doing those things anymore. It wouldn't be the same and those things really hold no appeal to me. I would rather spend my days and nights with my husband and son than be anywhere else in the world.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Laundry day

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of laundry this family generates. I am constantly and forever doing laundry. I has gotten alot easier now that I am a stay at home mom because I have the days to do the chores around the house, but I can remember spending entire weekends doing load after load of laundry. The worst part of laundry, in my opinion, is putting it away. I hate hanging up and folding clothes. I would rather be doing the laundry by hand then putting it away.

At least the weather is nice so while I'm doing the neverending pile of laundry I can look out the windows and smile at the beautiful sunshine. Maybe I'll open the windows.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Afternoon at the Drafthouse

Today was a monumental accomplishment for Barrett and me. This morning I decided I wanted to go to the movies. Well every Tuesday at the Alamo Drafthouse is baby day, meaning any babies of all ages are allowed in the showings. It is usually an 18 and up movie theater. So we packed up and drove to Austin all the while I was praying Barrett would be cool during the movie. Glory of glories, he was better than most of babies in the theater. He slept, nursed a couple times, and played with his friend Matilda who was sitting next to us.

I am so blessed to have such a laid back son. So now we know Barrett can make it all the way through a movie without losing it. Hooray! Mommy and Daddy can have a date night again without having to leave our beloved boy with someone.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Film snob

After seeing a few commercials of upcoming summer "blockbuster" movies, I am convinced that whoever are the powers that be in Hollywood are idiots. How many more sequels, prequels, and remakes do we have to endure before they get some new material? I am so tired of the same old stuff being spoonfed to the American public, but the sadder thing is that most people don't care the movie industry is a cespool and will go see all the raving crap being thrown out there. This fact just reafirms my belief that the majority of the American public are sheep and will do and see whatever has the best advertising. It is so sad.

I pride myself on being one of the black sheep who will choose a indie flick over a big budget Hollywood egostroke any day. I hate knowing the big wigs in California believe most of us don't have a brain to figure out the huge gaping plots holes and see the overuse of bluescreen or CGI. So this summer when you have the choice of seeing yet another remake or sequel, try to find something else. Make them work for your $8.00.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday rain

Hubby's away being a soldier so me and the little man are at home together alone for the first weekend since he was born. Isn't that bizarre?! He's over 3 months old and this is the very first weekend we have had together without people around. I have to admit it's really great not having family or friends looming over my shoulder, watching him, playing with him, trying to take him out of my arms while he is nursing. (Seriously, that last one happened.) Being Barrett's mother is fantastic, especially when all he wants is me and not some weird family member touching him.

Friday, May 15, 2009

First photo shoot

We had our first professional photo shoot with our son this morning. I was a little nervous because he was sleeping when the photographer got to our house, but he woke up from the nap perfectly happy and ready to perform. I really hope we got some good shots.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Birthday musings

Today is my 29th birthday, and as I write this my husband and baby are sleeping soundly in the other room. I don't get many moments alone these days so it's nice to know Barrett is safe sleeping next to daddy. I never would have imagined my life would be so fulfilled with all the simple things: watching my son discover new things, the way my husband smells after a shower, the quiet that fills our house after everyone is asleep. When I started college, I had crazy and impossible dreams of grandeur. I wanted to take on the world, and make myself famous. Little did I know, God had other plans which coincidentally did not make me famous.

But fame is not really what I wanted. Deep down inside, I just wanted my life to count for something. I wanted someone to think I am important and that my life has meaning. Now looking at my sleeping boys, I can see the plan God laid out for me. Being a wife and mother has been the greatest adventure I could have ever hoped for, and no amount of fame would have been worth trading all the simple things my life is now overflowing with. I am truly blessed.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Unexpected trip and adventure for the dogs

This morning Barrett and I slept in a little bit after daddy left for work which is not something that happens often. Most mornings we are up and going by 7, but this morning he wasn't quite ready to get up I suppose because we left until 9. It was glorious.

Well, when we finally did wake up I had a text from my husband asking if I would mind driving up to Camp Mabry to bring his beret. Of course, I don't mind. Besides, it gives me a good reason to see him during the day which doesn't happen very often, and Barrett will get to see his daddy for lunch. We pack up and take off, getting up there around 11. Husband's coworkers and superior officer got to see the baby, and we got to go to lunch with him. I love being able to just pick up and leave with the baby. He's so laid back and easy going. It's wonderful.

We get home and I let the dogs outside while I changed the baby. I heard them bark a couple times but that's not anything new. After a few minutes I opened the back door to let them back inside, and they're not in the backyard. They're gone. I was dumbfounded. Both of them didn't have a collar on. Either one of two things happened.

#1: the A/C repair guys didn't latch the gate well enough yesterday afternoon, and they got out


#2: someone intentionally opened our gate and let them out

I am really hoping for the former answer because I can't believe someone in our neighborhood would do that. We have a nice neighborhood. People are friendly, and everything is quiet and lovely around here. So to think someone would be so vindictive and mean is beyond me. Anyway, I packed up Barrett and was about to get in the car to go find the dogs when I opened the garage door, and both dogs came running in. How amazing! This was truly an amazing thing because Spartacus, our schnauzer, is a runner. If he gets out, prepare yourself for a chase. He was the first one into the garage followed right behind by our Catahoula mix, Clementine. Thank God for small favors! I couldn't imagine our home without them.

Now everyone is resting quietly. Little man is sitting in his bouncer seat playing with the toys hanging from the bar above him, and the dogs are underneath the dining room table panting happily. We lead a simple life, but I wouldn't trade it for any amount in the world.

Monday, May 11, 2009

New A/C

I don't know how people did it back in the day, but air conditioning is something I cannot go without. I am too hot natured, and our son inhereited that from me. Poor guy is so miserable here at the house. I really hope these guys are done with the installation soon. If not, I am going to have to take little man somewhere with air.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A/C is kaput

So after having 2 repairmen in the house on Thursday and Friday, they both came to the same conclusion. Our A/C unit is dead, and it would cost more to fix it than to replace it completely. This is not welcome news as you can probably guess. Do we just buy a window unit for the bedroom or do we go ahead and go back into debt so we can have A/C? It's a question me and the hubby are toiling over.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Broken A/C

In Texas, there are only a few things that are required for the summer months (which by the way start in May and last until October): water, sunscreen, Shiner Bock beer, and a working air conditioner. We have the first 3 things covered; it's the last one that we are having problems with. For about 2 weeks now, it has been freezing up off and on, and generally not working right. So we decided it was time to call a service guy because there is nothing worse than it being 103 degrees outside and close to that inside as well.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Well, today is a big day for Barrett. He is starting his vaccinations. We are following the Dr. Sears extended and delayed schedule, but I am still nervous about the whole thing. Why is it when we were growing up we were only given 10 vaccines, but our children now have 36? Seriously, what has changed in the 20 or so years to warrant that kind of response to childhood illnesses? My biggest concern is him being in pain and/or responding negatively to the shots themselves. I don't want him to hurt and know I am the reason for that pain. He is far too precious to me to stand idly by and watch some nurse poke him.

I just want to be a good mommy who is informed and educated about the choices I make for my son.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Vet bills

Had to take the dogs to the vet this morning for their regular yearly shots and whatnot, and I leave after finding out our little Sparticus has heartworms and holding a bill for nearly $500. Seriously! I think its extortion. How can vets get away with charging that much for basic care for a pet?! I guess that's why most pet owners are irresponsible. Because they don't want to hassle with the expense of being good doggie mommies and daddies. It won't be cheap getting Spart treated for heartworms, but the alternative is watching him die a slow, painful, and preventable death. I think we will just suck it up and pay the bill.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Afternoon naps

I think everyone should take an afternoon nap. We used to take naps as children and we would wake up refreshed and ready to conquer the late afternoon goblins. When did we get away from this practice? I, for one, am bringing back the trend. I'll just take a nap when Barrett does in the afternoon. It will be so great.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lazy Saturdays

Daddy's off doing boy things today while me and baby are at home hanging out. I love the simple times I get to have with Barrett. We don't do anything special, just playing and laughing and taking naps. It's really wonderful.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Late nights and early mornings

It is way past my bedtime. I should have gone to bed with Barrett at 9:45, but I hadn't seen much of my husband today so I wanted to stay up to be with him but now he's outside in the garage doing heaven knows what to his jeep. Which brings me to the next point of my blog title....he's getting up at 5am to drive to an off roading event. More than likely the baby will wake up when the alarm goes off which means I will be waking up too. That's the only thing I haven't gotten used to yet. The baby dictates what time I wake up.

I love cosleeping with him, but I can't wait until he is ready to sleep in his own bed so I can actually sleep in a little.